Florida Registered Agent
How to Form a Private Florida LLC
Necessary requirements to form an anonymous Florida LLC:
- A reliable Florida registered agent
- Two manager-managed Florida LLCs (that manage each other)
Private information ends up in the public record in two ways: on formation documents (addresses) and on annual reports (names and signatures). To remain anonymous in Florida, the private information listed on these documents must be replaced with information that is acceptable if the public finds it.
This is where the Private Florida LLC structure is critical.
When you hire Florida Registered Agent LLC, we are legally allowed to list our Florida business address as your principal address on your formation document. Your address is then kept from the public record.
We will also form two LLCs, not one. In Florida, at least one member or manager is required to sign an annual report each year (depending on if your LLC is member-managed or manager-managed). By forming two manager-managed LLCs, we will establish that each Florida LLC manages the other.
When LLC One files its Florida annual report, it will list LLC Two as the manager, and vice versa. Your name is now never placed into the public record.
Is the Private Florida LLC Structure Legal?
Yes. There is nothing illegal about one company managing another company. This happens everyday.
Does My Second LLC Have to Conduct Any Business?
No. An LLC is not legally required to do any business.
Can I Set Up the LLCs On My Own and Be Anonymous?
No. You need hire us to be your registered agent in Florida, because we can list our Florida business address as the address of your principal office.
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